Amy Dykstra
I started running about 6 years ago. I joined a local running group called Run to the Pub and initially I only ran 5ks. In 2013, I was talked into the Spring 1/2 marathon training at St. Als and the rest is history. Since then I have run 4 marathons and a lot of 1/2's. (I have lost count.) I was site coordinator at St. Als for winter/spring 1/2 and marathon training this year and now am leading the 11:30 run/walk group at Yankee. My favorite part of pacing is to help people hit their goals (whether time or distance). I also love to run in a group!
My first two pieces of advice for new marathoners are to trust the process and have fun! If you do the training, you will finish the marathon. Make the training fun! Talk to people in your pace group, find groups to run with, run places that you enjoy, etc.
My other piece of advice is to break the marathon (and training runs) up in your head. For example, I don't think of it as a 26.2 run. I break it up by water stations or by people who are out cheering for me. It makes it more manageable for me.