My name is Katherine Somerfield, I'm 47 (I don't feel like it,to me, age is just a number) and married to David Somerfield. I have four boys ages 26,24,13, and 10 years old. I currently work at Shepard high school in the autism program and I love it! I started training for my very first marathon in 2013 and finished with a time of 3:33:06. I never thought that I would beat a 3:45 and also qualify for Boston on my first.marathon but if you believe in your self, you can do it! All I knew was that I wanted to give it my all and just run! I had no clue what I was doing. I thought running was easy but man was I wrong! Over the years I have learned a little but I will be the first to tell you that no one knows everything about running. We are all different and we advance at different rates and this is what makes each of us different. Since I started running, I have ran Boston two times now and a hand full of Chicago Marathons. I currently pace for Cara and also pace races for the Community Sports. I love running, but I love pacing and helping others achieve their goals more then me achieving mine! I look forward to meeting you and will help you in any way I can. Just let me know and I will try my best and if I can't, I will find someone that will be able to help you out. Running should be fun and when it is, you will achieve your goals. Start small and then go up! Think positive and you will go farther then you think!