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EVERY WEEK BEGINS with: 1 MILE WARM UP (1 min rest) 4 x 50m SPRINTS (100% effort) (10 sec rest in between each) STRETCH

EVERY WEEK ENDS WITH: 1 MILE COOL DOWN (1 min rest) 4 x 50m SPRINTS (50% effort) (10 sec rest in between each) STRETCH

CD= Cool Down

WU= Warm Up

MP= Marathon Pace

HMP= Half Marathon Pace


Week 1 

8 x 400m (2 min rest in between) 100% effort

Week 2 

4 x 400m - 200m (2 min rest) 100% effort

Week 3 

6 x 800 at your estimated marathon time (90 sec rest) (4 hr 15 min converts to a 4 min 15 sec time for 800 m)

Week 4 

LADDERS: 400 - 800 - 1200 - 1mile - 1200 - 800 – 400 (Marathon Pace) (90 sec between intervals… 4 min rest after set)

Week 5 

2 x 20 min runs at MP (marathon pace) (90 sec rest between)

Week 6 

3 x 1 mile: 1 min faster than MP (90 sec rest)

Week 7 

2 x 2 miles: 30 sec faster than MP (90 sec rest)

Week 8 

800m 1600m 3200m 1600m 800m : 1 min faster than MP (90 sec rest)

Week 9 

800m at 5k pace - 1600m at 10k pace - 3200m at MP (90 sec rest)

Week 10 

10 x 800m at estimated marathon TIME (90 sec rest) (4 hr converts to 4 min for the 800m)

Week 11 

20 sets of 110's FULL OUT SPRINT the straight away / walk the curve for recovery THEN full out sprint the straight away / walk the curve for recovery = one set

Week 12 

28 x 400m... alternating 10K pace / 10K pace + 2 min (example: 400m in 2 min followed by 400m in 4min (recovery)

Week 13 

3 x 2 miles... 2 miles at MP TRAINING pace followed by 2 miles at MP pace followed by 2 miles at 10K pace (2 min rest intervals)

Week 14 

10 x 1000m... 2 and half times around the track followed by a 2 min rest: first 2 laps at marathon anticipated finishing time (4hour equals 4 minutes)... the last 200m all out.....

Week 15 

LADDERS: 800m - 1mile - 2mile - 2mile - 1mile - 800m with a minute and half rest between each (30 sec faster than MP)

Week 16 

10 x 800m at marathon pace (1 minute rest)

Week 17 

LAST SPEED WORKOUT!!! Warm up 1 mile. 6 x 800m marathon pace (1 minute rest). 1 mile cool down

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